There are many people who watch their favorite Movies, TV Series, and, Anime. Although some people watch it for casual entertainment and some like me love to experience the world that is represented to us in those few minutes of classic joy, terror, and mystery.

I am someone who loves watching thrillers, mysteries, and suspenseful movies and shows that keep me on the edge of my seat the entire time and I think you might even get a reflection of it from the shows and movies I even review. But for having such an experience, I needed a few things that could enhance my watching experience and take me into the world of filming and cinema.
So here are a few things I would recommend you to own and add to your armory for having the best experience you can ever get.
Television Viewing

Everyone knows that you need a good TV for a better viewing experience but hardly anyone knows the technicalities behind buying a TV and what type of TV one should buy.
Yes, there are smart TVs out in the whole world booming like a rocket but there are some which have average software that makes the user experience bad. So here are my recommendations for TVs that have a really good display, screen size, speakers, software, resolutions, refresh rate, and user experience and will also remain within a mid-range budget.
Smart TVs-
Home Theatre Speakers / Sound Bars-
If you want to take your viewing experience to the next level, the best thing to help you despite the viewing experience is sound. Sound plays a major role in how well a person can get indulge in a movie or series. If you have read my reviews, you might have read me talking about how good or how bad the background sound is of a movie of series, as it plays a major role in taking the story to the next level.
Here are my recommendations for adding one of the best weapons to your armory in the name of the Home Theatre Speakers system.
Sofa / Seats / Recliners –
Now you have all the gadgets to consume all the entertainment from streaming services, but for that, you need a good place to sit where you can feel comfortable for long hours of binge-watching. A place where you can sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of your time watching something new or your favorite show, movie or anime.
Phone Viewing

Watching and streaming on a phone or tablet might be really comfortable for many people who enjoy watching their shows and movies while traveling, under their blanket, and also while doing various other activities. Someone who lives with their family might not be comfortable watching TVMA or R-rated series and movies on the big screen as it might be disturbing for their family members and could also have a big impact on kids who might catch a glimpse of it.
Phones / Smartphones / iPhones –
And if you are watching your content on your phone, you need to make sure the software and display resolutions it gets. There are many companies out there who promise too many nits of brightness, AMOLED and various other screens. But what really matters for a phone while watching is if the display is capable enough to give an output in HDR (High Dynamic Range). Here are my recommendations for some phones that have dual speakers and can host an HDR display for consuming the content you love and want to see. Some of them will be premium flagships, mid-range, and budget-ranged phones as well.
Headphones –
And now if you have a good phone/tablet that can give you a good display on HDR resolutions, it is not enough. As I said for the television, you need good headphones to enhance your watching experience and take your experience to the next level. I prefer wireless headphones so that they don’t get in my way if I am doing some activity and then I also don’t have to worry about getting wires tangled or getting them pulled if my hand gets stuck in the wires. So here are some of my recommendations for all kinds of your budget range.
VR (Virtual Reality) Headsets-
If you are looking to take your experience to the next level, get a VR Headset and submerge yourself into the world of movies and shows. Experience all the entertainment right in front of your eyes. Here are some recommendations for the gadget of the future, the VR Headsets.